It was after 10AM when Storey woke up this morning. This was not after a morning nap. Nope, this was Storey’s first time to wake up for the day. Sleeping in is not unusual for her. She has actually almost made it routine. Josh and I repeatedly say to each other how incredibly great she is and how lucky we are. We attribute her sleeping habits to our commitment to co-sleeping, the practice of having baby sleep in our bed with us. Within three weeks, she had adopted our sleeping patterns. Storey still wakes up during the night to eat, but she generally sleeps from about 10PM to 8-10AM.
We consider ourselves extremely lucky.
It is waiting for and watching Storey wake up for the day that is my favorite. She usually stretches and yawns for maybe an hour, weighing the pros and cons of getting up. After some restlessness, she is still again. When she finally does wake up, it is the most beautiful thing to watch. Her big slate blue eyes pop open, she is wide-eyed as if seeing the world for the very first time, her lips pursed together into a tiny O. I am by her side, greeting her with love and kisses. (Sometimes, I treat myself and sleep in with her so I do not miss this moment). We smile, talk about our dreams. Our morning routine then consists of us walking around the house, taking a walk outside- to greet the world again. She is so happy to be awake.