
The Great Outdoors

Summer in Texas has arrived in all its shining glory. It has been unbearably hot this week, and I wonder how we will survive the summer (indoors). Storey is in love with the outdoors. We have begun our days in our backyard to soak up as much of nature as we can. I carry Storey, still in my pajamas some days, and she is in awe of the trees, the flowers, the sound of the birds. Her and Josh have made me fall in love with nature also. I have never been so content to just sit and be still in it. Josh has explained his admiration for the outdoors because it is the only thing he cannot control. Nature has its will and will do what it wants. We can help it a long the way, but ultimately, it is of its own. I admire it for its simple complexity. What else can bring you such enjoyment by just being in its presence? No need for words or actions. But at the same time, it is a Creation I will never fully comprehend. I try to learn as much as I can from Josh, who is completely in his element when he is outside. Each plant is different from its root system to the color on its leaves or petals. Who dreams of such things?

I love how Storey can go from a crying mess to thoroughly at peace when we step outside. If we are outside and she is standing (on my lap) she can not be happier. I love how her head turns and tilts in all different directions and angles to see as much as she can. She is soaking it in. I think she could be a naturalist when she grows up.

Today while we were taking a walk, we met one of our neighbors down the street. Storey was in her stoller and the woman had to come down her sidewalk to take a peak. She peered into Storey's stroller and: "Ay, gordita!" I will add this name to our list: Miss Mae, Sweet Mae, Baby Mae, Sweetheart, Sweet tart, Love, Muffin Top, Maeflower, Tulip, Peanut, and Gordita.

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