Emily, what a beautiful family you all make. Storey is growing so fast, enjoy each and every day with her. If you have any Friday's open I would love for you and Storey to come over. I only have Grace (11 months) and she is a sweetie. Give me a call and we can schedule a "play date". Tell Josh hello for me.
Many days I yearn to travel to far away places and have these great adventures, but then I am constantly reminded by my daughter and my husband what a great journey there is in living the everyday, and for us that means working our garden, challenging the mainstream, enjoying the simple things, being intentional through all the dishwashing and diaper changing, loving friends-family-neighbors, having adventures in our little corner of the world, and believing we can change the world one relationship or decision at a time.
Emily, what a beautiful family you all make. Storey is growing so fast, enjoy each and every day with her. If you have any Friday's open I would love for you and Storey to come over. I only have Grace (11 months) and she is a sweetie. Give me a call and we can schedule a "play date".
Tell Josh hello for me.
These are so sweet!
xoxoxo V & T
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