Early Birthday Gift

A Winter Garden Project
*pleasures, of the simple variety
Weekend at the Beach
On Her Own Two Feet

Erin with an E
The first thing I noticed about Erin was the perfectly manicured fingernails, long locks of golden brown hair, and the perfected ability to apply smokey eye shadow. Erin was the most genuine and real person I had come across in a long time. Erin is a male.
In the hour that he served our family for my dad's dinner at Olive Garden, he had the ability to stir thought and conversation that was deep inside, in need of the right catalyst to come a long and precipiate, by just being himself.
Across the restaraunt, I watched a group of abnoxious teenagers turning their heads, talking with covered mouths, whispering judgements as if they had it all figured out. But they were so very obvious. I was sure Erin knew what was going on around him. It made me so sad.
In that moment, I wanted to protect Erin, and I hoped he is loved. That at the end of the day, after all the shit he deals with from other people, that he has someone that loves him for who he is and who thinks he is the most beautiful person that they could ever imagine knowing.
Erin motivated me to be more of myself, to be a unique individual. Because that is how I believe the Creator designed us to be- a one of a kind, expressing even a small part of the infinite beautiful visages that is Himself.
Erin inspired me to be a better mother- to do everything in my power to have Storey grow up seeing Erin as any other person, as no different from another.
Erin stirred me to again ask the question: does it really matter? This week I feel the Spirit has planted this seed of questioning. The questioning began in its simplest form:
does it really matter that clothes are piled on the dresser for a week?
does it really matter that i can't enjoy orange juice with my breakfast this week?
does it really matter that i wore the same shirt two days in a row?
People debate whether 'sexual orientation' is a choice, if it is right or wrong. But does it really matter even if someone chooses? Should it have a factor in how we treat someone or whether they deserve Love and respect?
Erin moved me to LOVE.
Goodbye June, July
The June Show
My Water Baby

The Great Outdoors
I love how Storey can go from a crying mess to thoroughly at peace when we step outside. If we are outside and she is standing (on my lap) she can not be happier. I love how her head turns and tilts in all different directions and angles to see as much as she can. She is soaking it in. I think she could be a naturalist when she grows up.
Today while we were taking a walk, we met one of our neighbors down the street. Storey was in her stoller and the woman had to come down her sidewalk to take a peak. She peered into Storey's stroller and: "Ay, gordita!" I will add this name to our list: Miss Mae, Sweet Mae, Baby Mae, Sweetheart, Sweet tart, Love, Muffin Top, Maeflower, Tulip, Peanut, and Gordita.
I cannot describe how sentimental I was about Mother's day. I don't think I have truly understood how special this day is until this year. I just felt so very honored and thank-full to be able to celebrate this day. I thought about all the mothers that have come before me and all the mothers that I shared this day with.

It was a beautiful day. Josh planned an early trip to the zoo, which I had been dying to do for some time. The weather was perfect; Storey was perfect. She started out in the stroller, but of course preferred our arms after a while. She loves to be close. I am convinced there is no happier place for her than in our arms. Josh carried her around in the sling as we walked around the zoo. It was so much fun, and I loved to watch Storey look at these animals for the very first time.

After the zoo, we grabbed some tacos from our favorite place here in town, took them home, and followed brunch up with a nap. It was all three of us napping in the bed. We hadn't done that since Storey was first born. It was sweet; it topped off my day.
That evening, we went to Josh's parents house and spent time with Debbie. Grandma carried Storey in her arms and loved on her the whole time we were there. I loved to just watch them together. I looked at Josh's mom and thought about what an amazing job she has done and continues to do. I have such beautiful models to follow right beside me.
(Almost) summer time, and the livin' is (almost) easy